7-SHAPES SAS reserves the right to modify or update its terms and conditions at any time. The general conditions applicable on the day of the order are available on this page. The present T&Cs have been updated as of December 14, 2021.

1. Object

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter “GTC”) apply to all orders placed with 7-SHAPES SAS by its customers (hereinafter “Customer(s)”), both in France and abroad.
The fact of placing an order implies the Customer’s full and unreserved acceptance of these GTCs, and the Customer is responsible for their respect by all of its employees, servants and agents.
The Customer acknowledges to this effect that, prior to the signature of the quotation, he has received sufficient information and advice from 7-SHAPES, allowing him to ensure the adequacy of the service offer to his needs.

2. Solution Access

The Customer shall ensure beforehand, and throughout the use of the service, the permanent compatibility of its technical environment with the “7-Shapes School” platform used by 7-SHAPES. 7-SHAPES is at the disposal of the Customer to make the necessary technical tests. Prior to placing an order, the Customer may check the performance of his connection and the configuration of his computer, by testing the Demo version of the “7-Shapes School”.
It will not be able to take advantage, after the preliminary test, of an incompatibility or a defect of access to the module(s).

The Customer must have a valid email address, a computer and an internet connection with the following minimum specifications:

  • Operating system: macOS 10.12+ or Windows 7+.
  • Browser: Chrome 50+ or Firefox 45+, the 7-Shapes School does not work or works uncertainly on Edge or Internet Explorer or Safari 10+.
  • Graphics card: Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536Mb,
  • RAM: 4GB RAM,
  • Processor: 1,4Ghz Intel Core i5
  • A quality internet connection (4G or Wifi or ADSL 2 megabits minimum)
  • The Customer’s browser must not have Java Script disabled to use the service.

Access to the module(s)

  • E-learning or certifying trainings:
    The natural person registered by the Customer for the training (hereinafter the “participant”) accesses a course via a remote access on the platform.
    Once registered, the participant receives an invitation on his e-mail address to participate in the training, in order to access the training platform as well as the associated services (notions, challenges, videos, quizzes, pedagogical sheets?). At this stage, he can choose his first and last name and his password.
    If the training is paid for in full or in part by a collecting organization, the participant is also invited by e-mail to participate in the training, including virtual classes.
  • Improvement for All Kit
    In the case of the purchase of an Improvement for All Kit, the Customer receives a link that can be used without a limit on the number of connections for a given geographical site. A geographic site is defined as a single address that may include multiple buildings. The Customer can therefore transmit this link without limit to all employees of a given site.

3. Terms of use of the service

Right of use by site(s) or personal right of use

  • E-learning or certifying trainings:
    Licenses for all courses purchased by a customer are assigned to a participant. In case several courses have been acquired, the participant called “Owner” also has a dashboard to distribute these licenses to different participants. A participant’s login credentials are personal and confidential and may not be transferred and/or shared with any other person, whether or not an employee of the Customer, or resold.
  • Improvement for All Kit (IFAK)
    In the case of the purchase of a IFAK, the connection identifiers of the site are particular to the site and confidential and cannot in any case be given up and/or shared with another site of the Customer or with another Customer.
  • General: It is strictly forbidden for the Customer to make any copy of the contents made available to him. The Customer shall respect and undertake to ensure the respect of the copyrights recognized by the Intellectual Property Code.
    In case of loss of his identifiers, the Customer agrees to inform 7-SHAPES without delay. Otherwise, the Customer will be liable for any fraudulent or abusive use of the identifiers.
    In case of transfer or sharing of identifiers, 7-SHAPES reserves the right to suspend access to the platform, without compensation or notice.

Duration and guarantee of the service

The accesses to the ordered offer are valid for the duration specified at the time of the order, and are available twenty-four (24) hours a day and seven (7) days a week. There is no limitation concerning the duration of each connection, except for possible breakdowns or technical specificities of the Internet network.
The Customer agrees to inform 7-SHAPES within twenty-four (24) hours of any technical malfunction.

Technical malfunction

7-SHAPES undertakes to remedy any technical malfunction within three (3) working days. After this period, 7-SHAPES will extend the period of access to the offer acquired by the Customer for a period corresponding to that of the unavailability, on simple request of the Customer.
Nevertheless, 7-SHAPES shall not be held responsible for connection difficulties in case of Internet access failure or connection failure due to a case of force majeure, power cuts, interruptions related to service providers, hosts and access providers of the Customer.


7-SHAPES reserves the right to carry out any maintenance operation on its server and will endeavour to warn the Customer at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, to limit the time of interruption of the service to the strict minimum (one to two hours maximum), to extend the access to the acquired offer for a duration corresponding to that of the interruption of service, on simple request of the Customer
The Customer undertakes not to claim any compensation for this and furthermore declares that he accepts both the characteristics and the limits of the service provided by 7-SHAPES.

Non-compliance and anomalies

4. Purchase of license pack(s)

The Customer may purchase license packages. No more than one user can be registered per license (all courses).
If the Customer does not use all the licenses in the package within the usage period, the unused licenses will automatically expire. The Customer may no longer make use of it and may not claim any refund or compensation.
The starting date of the licenses is fixed unless otherwise specified in the quote, on the date of payment by the Customer.

5. Renewal and termination of license packages

Licenses are offered by 7-SHAPES for a limited period of one (1) year, unless otherwise specified in the signed quote or purchase order.


7-SHAPES offers knowledge and skills training at a distance or in person.

Yellow Belt – Lean Certification training

This knowledge training is an online training that takes place over a period of 4 weeks (15 hours of training estimated) and leads to the possibility of passing a Lean – Yellow Belt Certification.

Cette formation de connaissance est une formation en ligne qui a lieu sur une période de 4 semaines (15h de formation estimées) et qui donne lieu à la possibilité de passage d’une Certification Lean – Yellow Belt. the page of the site that deals with this training.

The training program is available and can be downloaded on this page. This program can be sent to a third party by the candidate who wishes to have the training financed by this third party.

This program can be sent to a third party by the candidate who wishes to have the training financed by this third party.
Unless special conditions are mentioned in the quote or order form, the start date of the license associated with the training corresponds to the start date of the chosen training.

7-SHAPES is the training organization. The University of Lean 6 Sigma is the certifying body and CESI Certifications is in charge of passing the certifications. 7-SHAPES registers each learner for certification according to his/her request, and informs him/her of his/her certification result.
7-SHAPES is committed to ensuring that registration for certification does not result in any additional cost to the trainee and/or the client.
Trainee registrations must be made at least seven (7) days prior to the start of the selected training date. After this period, 7-SHAPES reserves the right to refuse registrations for the selected course and certification.

Certifying training Green Belt – Lean Management

This knowledge training is an online training that takes place over a period of 8 weeks (26 hours of training estimated) and leads to the possibility of passing a Green Belt Lean Certification.

The conditions of coverage of this training within the framework of professional training, the objectives of the training, the pre-requisites required, the duration, the conditions of access to the training, the price, the contacts, the pedagogical methods and the evaluation of competences as well as the accessibility of the training by people in situation of handicap are described on the page of the site that deals with this training.

The training program is available and can be downloaded on this page. This program can be sent to a third party by the candidate who wishes to have the training financed by this third party.

The management of carry-overs and cancellations follows the provisions set out in Article 8 below.
Unless special conditions are mentioned in the quote or order form, the start date of the license associated with the training corresponds to the start date of the chosen training.

7-SHAPES is the training organization. The University of Lean 6 Sigma is the certifying body and CESI Certifications is in charge of passing the certifications. 7-SHAPES registers each learner for certification according to his/her request, and informs him/her of his/her certification result.
7-SHAPES is committed to ensuring that registration for certification does not result in any additional cost to the trainee and/or the client.
Trainee registrations must be made at least seven (7) days prior to the start of the selected training date. After this period, 7-SHAPES reserves the right to refuse registrations for the selected course and certification.
In addition to this knowledge certification, 7-Shapes offers a skills certification, the details of which can be found on this page.

7. Invoicing – Payment


The price is shown on the quote or order form signed by the Customer. It is expressed in euros excluding taxes and is to be increased by the VAT rate in force.
Any discount previously granted may be modified with each new order.
The price does not include the costs of access to the service (acquisition of technical equipment, internet connection) which are charged to the Customer.

Unless otherwise indicated on the order form or the estimate, in the case of the organization of a face-to-face workshop, the travel expenses of the consultant(s) or the trainer(s) as well as the expenses of room rental, documentation and rental of current equipment (video projector, touch screen…) are invoiced in addition.
The course fee will be billed and due in full, regardless of whether or not the participant has logged in.


Invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date – or according to the conditions indicated on the order form or the estimate – by bank transfer.
In the event of non-payment by the due date, late payment interest of three (3) times the legal interest rate per day of late payment shall be due by operation of law by the Customer from the day after the due date for payment.
The legal interest rate is equal to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation plus 10 percentage points in force on the day following the date on which payment is due.
In addition, a fixed compensation of forty (40) euros (not subject to VAT) will also be due to 7-SHAPES for collection costs on the occasion of any delay in payment and this, without prejudice to the damages and other costs that 7-SHAPES reserves the right to claim, including by legal action.
The interests and penalties of delay will be payable by right, without prior notice, the sending of a registered letter not being required to allow 7-SHAPES to benefit from the right to collect them.
Moreover, in case of non-payment by the Customer of the sums due on the due date after formal notice to pay remained without effect beyond a period of fifteen (15) days, 7-SHAPES reserves the right to suspend the Customer’s access to the service, including access to the modules, for the current or future participations, with immediate effect after having notified the Customer by any means. The Parties agree that the suspension of the Services will result in the immediate payment of all sums invoiced by 7-SHAPES to Customer.

8. Postponements and cancellations


The Customer may postpone or cancel the registration of one or more candidates for one or more trainings up to seven (7) days before the start date of the session, upon request to 7-SHAPES. After this date, except in cases of force majeure, the registration is deemed final and full payment for the course is due to 7-SHAPES.
If the number of participants in a course is deemed insufficient for pedagogical reasons, 7-SHAPES reserves the right to cancel the course no later than seven (7) days before the scheduled date. The previously paid registration fees are then fully refunded or, at the Customer’s convenience, a credit note is issued.
7-SHAPES reserves the right to postpone the training, to modify the content of its program or the facilitators, while respecting the initial educational quality, if circumstances beyond its control oblige it to do so.

Other services

Unless otherwise agreed in writing in the quotation or the order, the Customer cannot postpone or cancel the services provided for in the order or in the quotation signed with 7-SHAPES for services other than certification training.

9. Limitation of warranty

7-SHAPES endeavors to ensure to the best of its ability the permanent access to its websites as well as the accuracy and the update of the information available on its websites but is held only of an obligation of means towards the Customer. The responsibility of 7-SHAPES could not be sought in case of non-compliance by the Customer of its contractual obligations.
The Client or the participant, whether a legal professional or not, is solely responsible for the choice of the training courses purchased, as well as for the use and interpretation they make of them, the results they obtain, the advice and actions they deduce and/or issue. Under no circumstances is the content of these sites intended to replace or substitute for the consultation of an advisor.
In any case, if the responsibility of 7-SHAPES was retained, the amount of its guarantee is limited according to the terms of the article “Responsibility, indemnities, force majeure” of the GCS.

10. Liability, indemnities

The Customer is obliged to subscribe and maintain in anticipation and during the training a civil liability insurance covering bodily, material, immaterial, direct and indirect damage likely to be caused by his actions or those of his employees to the prejudice of 7-SHAPES. The participant also undertakes to take out and maintain a civil liability insurance policy which also names 7-SHAPES as the insured party for all acts detrimental to third parties which may have been caused by the participant and which contains a waiver of recourse clause so that 7-SHAPES cannot be sought or worried.
The liability of 7-SHAPES towards the Customer is limited to the compensation of direct damages proven by the Customer and is in any case limited to the amount paid by the Customer for the service provided.
In no case the responsibility of 7-SHAPES could be committed for indirect damage such as loss of data, loss of files, operating loss, commercial loss, loss of profit or damage to the image and reputation.
In any case, the responsibility of 7-SHAPES is excluded in case of force majeure.

11. Intellectual property, confidentiality

The Customer may only use the proposals, works, studies and concepts, methods and tools of 7-SHAPES for the purposes stipulated in the order.
7-SHAPES co-owns with the trainers the intellectual property rights related to the training it provides. The totality of the teaching aids, whatever the form (paper, numerical, oral…) used within the framework of the order cannot be used in another context than that of the training delivered by 7-SHAPES) or by the Customer himself (by one of his employees or subcontractor, and which is the object of the order), with the exception of the downloadable sheets which can be used by each learner registered by the Customer for a training or a KAPT, beyond its period of training. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The Customer shall not use, reproduce, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, adapt, modify, translate, represent, market or disseminate to members of his staff who are not participants in the 7-SHAPES trainings or enrolled in the KAPT, or to third parties, the course materials or other educational resources made available to him without the express written authorization of 7-SHAPES
The parties undertake to keep confidential all information and documents of an economic, technical or commercial nature concerning the other party, to which they may have access during the execution of the order.

12. Communication

The Customer may only use the proposals, works, studies and concepts, methods and tools of 7-SHAPES for the purposes stipulated in the order.
7-SHAPES co-owns with the trainers the intellectual property rights related to the training it provides. The totality of the teaching aids, whatever the form (paper, numerical, oral…) used within the framework of the order cannot be used in another context than that of the training delivered by 7-SHAPES) or by the Customer himself (by one of his employees or subcontractor, and which is the object of the order), with the exception of the downloadable sheets which can be used by each learner registered by the Customer for a training or a KAPT, beyond its period of training.

13. Data processing and freedom / protection of personal data

The personal data of the participants are used within the framework of the registration, the execution and the follow-up of its training, and within its global path of learner by the 7-SHAPES services in charge of the treatment. These data are necessary for the execution of the training.
They are kept, if necessary, for the legal period of prescription of the administrative and financial controls applicable to the training actions.

In accordance with the European Regulation on the protection of personal data EU 2016/679 (RGPD), the participant has a right of access, rectification, limitation of processing as well as a right of opposition and portability of his data if applicable, which can be exercised by contacting 7-SHAPES by e-mail at contact@seven-shapes.fr or by post at the address 197 rue de Bordeaux 16000 Angoulême

As the person in charge of processing the file of its staff, the Client undertakes to inform each participant that personal data concerning him/her are collected and processed by 7-SHAPES for the purposes of carrying out and monitoring the training under the conditions defined above.

14. Applicable law and jurisdiction

In accordance with articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the Consumer Code, we offer a consumer mediation service.
The mediation entity retained is: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION.

In the event of a dispute, you can file your claim on its website: https://cnpm-mediation-consommation.eu or by post by writing to CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION – 27, avenue de la Libération – 42400 Saint-Chamond
This agreement is governed by French law. Any dispute which would not have been regulated with the friendly one will be carried in front of the Commercial court of Angoulême.

7-SHAPES – 197 rue de Bordeaux 16000 Angoulême
Tél. :
Email: contact@seven-shapes.com
SIRET : 825 097 223 000 028
VAT number : FR19825097223

7-Shapes is registered as a training organization under the activity declaration number 75160098316. This number does not constitute state approval.